Notifications and Email Settings

Ovation will send you a notification for various events that occur in the application. The number next to the bell in the application header will inform you of how many notifications you've received. Click on the bell to see a list of all your notifications. Click on the "X" in the notification to mark it as read and dismiss it (this will be reflected in the number next to the bell, which counts only unread notifications). Some example of events for which you'll receive a notification are being added to or removed from a project, or being mentioned in a timeline comment. 

In addition to receiving a notification within the application, by default Ovation sends you an email every time you receive a notification to alert you of the event that triggered the notification. You can choose to stop these emails in your profile settings. In order to change how often you receive email, click email settings within your , which is found near the top of the screen. There, click on the email option you'd prefer and click save.

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